Midsummers- a more beautiful day could not be asked for. Sky is blue, it's hot but not in an oppressive way, hot in a good-lazy-summer-day way. Bit of a breeze and all the butterflies are out and about.
The man made this today- *he* claims it isn't a proper flower garden, but I disagree. After all it's a flower, and a garden, and has flowers in it. The unusual purple rose, and the new moss roses. I think it's pretty and the butterflies like it- visiting the roses more today than the lantana's he planted. The yarden is rapidly becoming bright and welcoming- not quite the wild tangle that I had it. Neighbors are even brave enough to stop by- today one came with a bobcat and gave us a load of sand to help out with the back drive where all the boys got their cars stuck last week. Everyone waves- Charles claims that I just never noticed because I probably didn't spend much time outside, but I think that they have realized that I'm not really the Hansel-n-Gretel witch (moving the deer skeleton from the well probably helped, to).
Seriously, it's like magic. The house is happy, the yarden is blooming and filled with critters, the neighbors are friendly....I feel like a Disney princess, except I can't sing (but I do anyway!)
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