Three guesses where this was taken. National Park? no... Ed's Mushroom Farm? no.... The backyard? no.... Our bathroom? BINGO!
This is exactly why the bathroom floor is being replaced... there was a leak, I thought it was one thing and paid a billion dollars to have that fixed at Christmas, turns out it was something else all together. In the meantime, the floor became saturated under the layers of tile.... the pressboard dissolved and nature settled in.
Manz pulled up all that ick and the wood floor has been drying, then it will be refloored, but having only one bathroom we have to make due while the floor drys.... and then suddenly, unexpectedly, out of nowhere- the Mormon Mushroom Family. (Mormon because there is a whole extended family, all wearing beige).
Actually, they are kinda pretty, but not in the bathroom. Never did go in for the fairy-mushroom look.... anyhoo, this is yesterdays post, just got distracted at school with testing and homework and a sore lip (a canker from clove gum and stress, it's the size of Idaho, but he still thinks I'm pretty) and then the impending nap time when I got home.... breakfast dinner, good movie, finished my art project for today (will take photos of that later). All in all, summer is starting and the world is great!
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