Trip update- it is Saturday (?) morning- early and I am in Shreveport, La... up at 5 (this time) because I can't sleep- have homework to do before we hit the road for the Podlucky extravaganza. Missed a few days- left home on Thursday morning, drove to Alabama.....easy trip, have done it a million times, sang all the way (the lovely manz made me some cds so I wouldn't miss him singing to me! they help, but I still miss him.)
Yesterday we went down to Pensacola Florida, went to the beach- the sand is so very white and soft like sugar. The water was clear and blue green, I got my skirt all wet playing in the water, but it just didn't matter. Then on to Joe Papi's (? can't remember the name, something like this) which is a huge seafood market... the rows of fish and the fresh fishy smell reminded me of the market in California long ago (Beebes? something...) where I would go visit the fish. (I was a strange kid)... Hungry Howies for pizza, Sam's club for forgotten sausage, then hours in the car through Mississippi and all the way up Louisiana. I love Louisiana, swamps on either side of the road, fields of cows and horses and sugar, the heat hot and close like a hug. We talked all the way- and the tomtom talked to us, telling us where to go and fussing at us if we got off the road to stop.
The motel is fine, and it has WiFi, so I can do work. Don't mean to get stressed about it but can't help myself, it's how I'm wired. Up early and all, get it out of the way so I can enjoy my day. Boy comes home tomorrow, time flys so quickly.
I miss the manz, coffee on the porch- have been storing up stories to tell, things that I want him to see. Funny how you get so connected so quick, and it's a bit like losing my right arm.... next time he comes along. (even though between Theresa and the tomtom, I have plenty of 'help' with driving... still and all, it isn't quite the same as you reminding me to slow down... and the tomtom makes a cow noise when I speed!) MOOOOOOOO
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