This morning we were sitting on the porch, having coffee and watching the sun come up as usual... a mama turkey came strolling through the yard followed by five chicks. I ran inside for the camera- thinking she would swiftly vanish back into the woods- but when I came back out she was up on the porch flirting with Charles.
She fluffed out her tail and wings, spent some time grooming and prettying up while her chicks scratched around the yarden for tasty tasty worms. Then she settled down by his chair- no fear turkey here.... even though I was taking pictures and Grendel stumbled out to see them. Charles just kept talking to her in his low low voice- I swear she shut her eyes in bliss- laid right down at his feet. Amazing. Then she let him pet her.... doubly amazing.
The babies all came up on the porch as well- we gave them some fruit loops but they were not interested in that at all. Eventually they hopped down off the porch and wandered over to Linda's field... the doggs realized they were there and started barking like crazy (and one yelp from Bear as she put a paw a bit to far across the fence)... the turkeys were not bothered in the least.
They kept coming back into our yard, up on the porch, and Charles had a huge conversation with Mama over a cup of coffee (she didn't like me one bit... just looked at me as if I had tasty elbows). Over all we watched them for a good hour and a half until they crossed the road back into the woods.
It was the first time we'd seen wild turkeys around the house- and for them to be so curious and tame was amazing. At first we worried that mama might be sick, but she looked fine, ate lots of bugs (and one peck of a froot loop) and all the chicks were fine also. She was being a good mama and clucking them right along- hope they come back tomorrow~
am thinking that Charles could be a 'turkey whisperer'....

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