Surprise! The latest improvement- the floor in the guest room. Manz painted it rose (the color is more like the photo on the left than the redder-looking details), then created the green center block. I went in and did the corner details and the center medallion. The color pops against the off-white walls, and make the room look like an extension of the garden- bright and cheerful, not just a junk-room/guest room. He took all the furniture out (duh) and we are going to put things in carefully- the guest bed (which will be replaced by my bed when we bring our bigger bed in... my bed is to short for the man- his feet are scrunched), the white hutch-desk, a bookcase from the studio painted white. Together they will create a unit-effect. A good lamp for reading, trunks for storage. Not over done- I am trying for the simple-but useful look. Put all my vintage suitcases and trunks to use storing things under the bed (!) hauled extra art off to school to be stored. (Truthfully, still working on the sorting of things to take to school... I need another whole building just to keep stuff).
Grendel will be home Tuesday (YAY!) so hopefully will have that part of the house centered by the time he shows up. We went to the store today, stocked up on boy-food (cereal, toffee peanuts, rootbeer, bacon...and more bacon. with some extra bacon just in case). All ready for him to come home. This year has gone by so quickly, with so many changes in our lives- all of our lives. Who would of ever thought that we would all come together like this, make a happy little family full of laughter and art and good-natured teasing, singing all the day and colors everywhere. It's like the world is coming alive, and we are blooming in the sun. Winter is over, my friends, winter is over!
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