Gotta love the tinker-man... he is just like me! (well, in someways. If you don't count rolled end toothpaste vs. squeezed middle, well done vs. mooing-rare, neat vs. chaos and spam vs. tofu....) But we find things that are unwanted- our first reaction to a pile of discards is ooooooOOOooAH! Whatza That? Anything we can use/ make stuff out of? Treasure!!!!
He has a gift with turning stuff into stunning things- (just wait to see the porch pictures!) Yesterday we found this old gun-case in Wilmington on a junk pile. Brought it home- it is old, weathered, handmade, still in fair-decent shape. Vision is the removing of the gun holder thing, installation of shelves and *wa-la* a book case that is fit for in the tiny four-door room. Perfect for paperbacks. Not sure yet if it will be cleaned and left rustic, stained or painted- anyhoo, it's old and cool and best of all- Free!
Surprise post for tomorrow- he has been working on something all day (well, I did a tiny bit of it- but today I spent mostly napping and eating left-over doughnuts) and hopes to have it finished by tomorrow afternoon. I'm really excited~ this is so much fun, the re-feathering of our nest. It's fun because we work well together, have complimentary talents and he is just as creative as I am. It feels like all of our conversations start with "What if...." or "Let's try..." So much fun!
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