Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dancing with Detention

Today is Wednesday, which means I have the first of my no-sketchbook detention kids (Spencer, Cotton, Vetter) AND the Latin Dance club... so why not mix it up and have dancing detention?  After they finished their assignments- and still had minutes to serve- they are dancing their way to stardom to the Latin version of Stand by Me.

Actually, they are quite good and it's fun to watch...

but I'm ready to go home now, thank-you.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


No, I have not yet joined the ranks of the red-hat society- even though AARP sent me my first card in the mail (!) 

Anyway, we couldn't make it down to Barbies for the bluegrass-bbq this weekend- not only was Saturday a sale day, but we were out of inventory and had to get to Angel's to restock.  And there I found this lovely hat - we were playing around and the manz took this photo. 

I know I've been slack on the blog- both writing and printing- school is back in full swing and I'm still resolving my schedule- I think I have it all figured out when I get curve balls like Latin Dance and Hurricanes... will try to do better : )