Wednesday, March 31, 2010


It's been a crazy week...and still busy. Charles and his dad are cleaning out cousin Merel's house- he died last Christmas- and what a job that is! Merel was a life-long bachelor with an aversion to cleaning and a love of hunting. After the closer kin took everything they desired, they said that Charles/Dad could have the rest if they cleaned it up...... there is a bit of furniture in the house that we will sell, and a slightly tattered stuffed deer head that I'll drag to school, but most of the stuff is outside in the storage shed, barn and abandoned-school-bus storage place. A whole feast of scrap metal (they will cut up the bus and the old grain bins, plus there is just a bunch of metal around), fishing rods and tackle, two porta-potties turned into deerstands (with opening windows and one even has carpet!), assorted tools (we got the rototiller! Yay!) and other stuff that is squirreled away. Or I should say moused away, because everything in the barn has mice all around, and one trip there and I'm sneezing my head off. Worth it though because I got some priceless pictures and.....tada...the CAULDRON!
I have been waiting forever it seems for the right one to come along. I have a small, indoor cauldron that fits in the fire place, it's nice but not old- and I bought it myself. My beloved manz found one at an auction for me- it's iron and large, but it has a broken lip and we are intending it for flowers as it is a bit tired for a working cauldron. This one...rusty and dirty as it is- is in perfect shape. All four peg legs are on it, all four handle/rings for suspending over the fire, no breaks, cracks or weak spots. It will be a job to clean up, but worth it- and best of all it's free!
Not that I didn't have to work for it... I spotted it right off when I went out to take photos this morning. The manz said "Yes, it's a cauldron, but Dad want's it". I teased him that maybe his dad wants to give it to me for Christmas next year~ but no, it was destined to be a something in the yard or museum or sold or (God forbid!) scrapped. Later his dad showed up... Charles kept teasing me about the cauldron: Well what would you do with it? It won't hold flowers- no drainage. And I'd have to mow around it. It's to big for the fireplace...." he kept it up and kept it up until his dad couldn't stand it anymore and told him to stop picking on me- he laughed and said that he said I could have it to start with! (I couldn't very well answer the manz back with the truth- "I'm going to brew up a magic to switch you into a frog if you don't cutitout! (teasing)"
Thank-you, beloved husband. and your Dad. and Cousin Merel.
Anyway, I have this glorious new cauldron- just the way you are supposed to get one. Now I have to figure out how to clean it up, and then I'll work on fixing up some good mojo for everyone!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Things

Last weekend I spring cleaned (kinda) instead of doing school work and so now I am paying the price by doing double time everything. But apparently it was a common habit because everyone else in my class did the same thing... sometimes you just need to stop, breathe, celebrate the season and get things straight.

On my little hutches that don't match, I have all of my precious seasonal things. In a way it doesn't make sense because we don't sit at the table or use the dining area of the kitchen, but it still is meaningful to me and I like it. I suppose the arranging of it with the seasons change helps me to transition, I get to rotate all my pretties around, and I just plain like it.

what we have here is a combination of dollar-store dishes, old white coffee pot and pitchers that were mother's, cow creamer, bowls of stone eggs and spring flowers, a plaster saint that I got at the auction a kabillion years ago, some tins, yellow pitchers/green tea pot, the fish Charles brought me last week on the bottom shelf next to an ostrich egg Daddy gave me long ago. It's the new beginning of the year- I want outside and flowers, fun with the husband, Ms. Ball to visit- but my thesis is due April 9th, my competition presentation is April 5th, the county art show is April 8th, and boards are due by the end of April and I am glued to work..... I don't mind the work- it will pass in good time- but I just worry that everyone will feel neglected. I don't want to neglect anyone- I just lose track of days and tasks, and before I know it another day is gone. But I try to make time to sit on the porch at least a little bit, and I try to be patient with my students even though they are in full-blown hormonal spring fever and must be constantly reminded to keep "Your hands and feet and other parts to yourself."..... that wears on my nerves.

Actually, Spring break is the coming week, and I am longing for it- being at home, cycling between work and rest (with lots of work) but at least I can *watch* the birds and the bees instead of police them!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Our Road Show

Today is the first day of Spring, and the first anniversary of when Charles asked me out- at the estate auction in Warsaw. Never knew what he was getting into- but it's been a wonderful year. Who'da thought it would work out this way?
Today we went up to the stockyard area and set up our 'roadshow' of stuff to sell. We were there from about 8 to 1, and sold quite a bit- this photo was about 3/4 way through. I set up my easel and painted outside for the first time since moving from the beach 3 years ago- it was wonderful! I painted an old tobacco barn in spring-time- that's the painting above, not quite finished. There are daffodils and clouds, I still have some detail to do. A pretty simple painting really, but it felt so good just to have fun and paint and not worry about school, or clients, or anything but enjoying the day. Quite a few stopped and commented on it- makes me happy and the manz enjoyed that as well. (Especially when they bought stuff). This was our first step together towards that someday-store dream- it's going to come true and it's going to be grand!
Now I'm home, he's off replacing windows for the Polish-guy whose name I can't remember (Jak sie masz? it's the only Polish word I know) and I have school work to do (of course) BUT I want to butterfly around, clean a bit (it is Spring, you know) take Mr. Max for a walk (we both need it!) play. It's beautiful out, hard to stay inside, impossible to focus on computer stuff. So.....procrastination or priorities or what? I dunno, but I'm going to enjoy the day!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Thanks, Honey!

My husband loves me. He really, really, really loooooooooves me- enough to pack my healthy snacks of celery and carrots and an orange in an ice-cream container.

Thanks Honey!!!!

ps: I'm cooking tonight- we are having broccoli and turkey delight.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Work in progress...

One of the things I have been working on for the studio part of my thesis. It is a digital mixed media- I took the photographs, manipulated them in photoshop, printed on silk, embroidered, took photos of that and a drawing, played with those in photoshop some more, printed on silk, used dye and colored pencils in areas, then began embroidering with floss and tiny beads. I'm using one strand and a beading needle- can only work on this so much before my eyes check out. (Yes, I have a good working lamp, it's just sewing with white thread and crystal- some pearl, that's easier).....
Anyway, got washed away for a few days this week, the DPI thing was due Tuesday (got it done) then work, then today it's 'curriculum fair' night so I will be here at school forever and ever and then some. Shouldn't complain, I'm just losing time, turn around and it's almost the end of March.
Happy Belated Birthday, by the way BS! We did get you on Facebook yesterday on time, and Charles wrote your birthday poem all by himself! Another year better, and I *can't wait* until Memorial day weekend... it's my carrot right now. run run run.
So, anyway, back to the art- art for thesis is not like art for home, or gifts or anything else... but I'm loving the process, I love photoshop, it's like painting. Intuitive, easy but takes much longer than you would expect. I am missing actual painting though, and looking forward to this summer where I can sit back, read a good book, indulge in a blender drink and paint on our porch. Hang out with the manz. Go on adventures. Play.....

Monday, March 15, 2010

KickAss coffee

This is not your normal coffee- Cafe Bustelo is kickass coffee, the best coffee in my world. Something that is absolutely needed on days like today, where we time-traveled and lost an hour, thus having to wake up extra early. Which means the biological clock is off kilter all day- and of course, today was one of *those* days.
Not a bad day, just a day where things that you thought were wrapped (the DPI stuff) are suddenly due Thursday, every other person in the universe needs just one favor, and it was on-the-feet non-stop talking for 3 hours this morning. Most of the time when I'm teaching, its a pleasant mix of lecture/discussion and doing. But today- because I was gone Friday, and will be out tomorrow and 1/2 day the next day (different kinda meeting) I did all the notes so that the kids could just work while I'm gone. talk, talk, talk.
The manz is having a busy day as well- he is off right now getting the rest of the store displays and hauling them off to storage. (we need a store!) They are huge and heavy and it's him and his dad- I know he will be a tired puppy when he gets home. But overall- for both of us- we like to work and it feels good to work really hard sometimes. Everything gets done and the aftermath is sweetly amazing- the *wow* we did it factor. So now its chores and homework until he gets home- and maybe just one more cuppa kickass.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Perfect Couple

These lovely dolls came up at the auction last night- the 'perfect couple' they say what you want to hear when you squeeze their hands. Things like "It's ok honey, you rest while I whip up some snacks" "N0 dear, I have no idea where I'm going. Let's ask directions!" and the like.

Ada and Doug (our auctioneers) started playing 'Charles and Rebekah' with them when they came up- everyone teased us about being the perfect couple and 'still on the honeymoon'. It's funny and cute how they all fuss over us, treat us special. Of course, the manz is always teasing and flirting with me- that hasn't changed- and everyone gets a kick out of that. We are a good team.

Good finds last night- some small furniture to resell, a basket full of vintage scarves- some turned out to be Vera, Ken Scott and other designers.... going to try to sell them on Etsy. Found the perfect rug for the living room- a small oriental in sage and subtle lavender. Matches the sofas exactly. Then manz lucked into the displays from the shoe store that moved over by walmart- double rowed stacked shelves, the kind in the middle of the store- they GAVE him all but a few someone else took. Two of the top units are on the porch- they are huge- his dad is going to help him pick the rest up tomorrow and store them out there. (Charles's dad likes old stuff and found stuff as much as we do! He has a big barn that is a huge messy nest of curious things... he is definitely an Oscar, like me). Anyway, we now instantly have all the fixtures for a store- just lack the store. We looked at several places yesterday, but nothing quite is right yet- eventually the right thing will come along, and until then we will get the online things up and running.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Funny Bunny

Spring has sprung, and Turrello is in the mood as well as the rest of us. Yesterday I was trapped in Raleigh at endless stressful (very) meetings with the only saving factor being the leftover mansketti that was packed for my lunch (everyone else in my group had to settle for expensive boring state cafeteria food. Pale lettuce, pimento cheese sandwiches...) So- today I am no-way in the mood for homework, school work, DPI work or any kinda work (as is obvious by my lack of skill in washing dishes...I need to rewash them) . The manz and I went out this morning early to the stockyards, then we walked all over down town Wallace looking at vacant stores (dreaming) ...then walmart. I went all around our yarden photographing flowers- amazing, in just a week it went from nothing blooming to: daffodils, dandelions, crocuses, violets, bluets, sorrel, frogsmeade, forsythia and bridal veil. I couldn't resist picking a few daffodils- brought them inside and Turrello fell in love with them. He has a nose to equal Bear's- must be part bloodhound. He sat right up like a rabbit and sniffed, sniffed, sniffed at the flowers. Now they are in a bottle by the window- captivating because there are some ladybugs travelling around the inside window frame. Lady bug, lady bug fly away home...

It's moving from sunlight to shadows outside, promising rain but holding off. Auction this evening, and I have a million papers to grade along with homework (and those pesky dishes). Blah, blah, blah.

Just wanted to say to, that I haven't been a very good friend or sister lately- I rather have retreated into my shell, focusing on getting everything done (by the end of April! this state thing, first thesis defense is April 9th, National board is April 30) blah, blah, blah. That is no good excuse for neglecting you guys- you haven't neglected me, and I thank-you for the emails, calls and notes. I promise that there is light at the end of this tunnel- and I do love school, it's just like running a marathon right now- sometimes I run so hard I forget to breathe and sometimes I just screech to a total stop. And then sometimes I need a day like today, to space out and take pictures and enjoy the day with my beloved. And with my funny bunny kitty and the doggies...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Light like Trees

Yesterday when I got home there was a surprise- the dying light in our bedroom had been replaced by this one. It is one of the stained glass lamps we acquired at auction, the panes are greenish gold and brown and it looks like light coming down through trees. Everything is warmer, snugger- and I can see! Hooray! Thank-you Mr. Manz.
I love the look of the stained glass- we have one in the dining room and another that will be hung - somewhere? Thinking about the kitchen, but I like the ceiling fan in the kitchen- for smoke emergencies, drying the floor, and spring air. Besides, the manz is kinda tall and tends to bump heads with things. I think it might be nice in the living room, in one of the corners... we'll see. The house is a continuing work in progress.
Today is full of rain, but it is warm rain that makes things grow. I want to clean my nest, work in the yarden- make things. Not do paper work or drive to Raleigh tomorrow for endless meetings. I want to take pictures of old houses and flowers, go check the daffodils in the field to see if they are ready to pick- I love a bunch of daffodils more than most any flower- they are so bright, smell nice and dry beautifully. I can't wait till school is over- at least the college part- so that I can 'red up' my messy nest, fuss about and put things in order. I have new (old) books to shelve, bottles to fill, quilts to air out and fold.... other people in the family (Dan and Casey, Teresa and Dave) have new places, and I am just a bit envious. Not that I don't love our cottage, but I want time to set it to order- something I haven't done in a long long time. (as the manz says, he did not marry me for my cleaning, or cooking or money.....)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Today was everyone to the vet day- time for yearly checkups and shots. Both the doggs and the kitty- everyone got a clean bill of health and everyone has gained weight. Max is now at 50 (mr. chubb chubb) and Ursula is up to almost 70. ("That's not a bear, it's a Moose!" the vet said). Turrello is almost 10- everyone is benefiting from the manz cooking! After our return, Max ran out to his cave in the azaleas, Bear into the back of the dog-barn, and Turrello? somewhere in the bed. (He likes to hide between the suitcases under the bed and the frame of the bed... it's his 'cat cave'). The vet was tickled over Turrello's letter (Dear Dr...) and says, yes- it's obvious that he is getting the best of care.
While I was in the vet, I saw a former student of mine (many years ago) with her two small children. She was explaining to her little daughter that their dog Mollie, had to have surgery. When the little one asked what surgery was, Jennifer said "oh, she had to get a cut". The daughters eyes got real big, she squealed and jumped up and down clapping. Her mom just looked at her funny- then the little girl burst out "Cut like a poodle?!?" (visions of pompoms and pink ribbons in her head, no doubt).... the whole waiting room laughed.... (Mollie is a hunting-type hound...lovely in ribbons, I'm certain).
Max however would *love* some pink ribbons....

Monday, March 8, 2010

Rose Bowl

This is our latest find for the house- the manz spotted it at Angel's auction and stalked it until it came up. After a brief flurry of bidding, he won it- yay! It's big, beautiful and heavy- not marked but it must be ironstone. It's intended to go into the rose room, but for right now I'm enjoying it in the kitchen. I like the way the pattern and colors are the same as those in the little hooked rug- both are on the pumpkin cabinet from Headacher.
I love the old things, romantic things- not overly frilly, just beautiful. They suit our cottage and our style... one day I really hope that we can have a small shop, full of beautiful useful stuff. Right now we collect and plan-
Spring is back today- it is warm and sunny out and I am having a hard time concentrating on work. I just want to be outside playing in the yarden...maybe I'll take max for a dogg walk when I get home. I've been making stuff all day- nothing spectacular, just little things with the kids. A pastel drawing, a new hall pass, teaching them how to sew. It's only lunchtime, but I'm ready for a nap, a walk, a cup of tea with the manz. Just a few more hours~

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Morley's Dog

Today I am having a rare bout of Johnstown-itis. It's not often that I really miss Johnstown- for the most part, well 99.9% part, I am glad that my road took me elsewhere. Not that I don't love it, in all it's strangeness, but I would of turned out to be a completely different person had I never left. Not so self-confident and open I suppose- Johnstown was not good for self-esteem.
Enough of that, though- I suppose this bout was brought about by last nights auctions (Stover's first- disappointing, then Angels- fun) and the constant litany of glassware: fenton, fostoria, westImoreland.... not the others last night, just those. We grew up visiting glass factories, and all of us still have relics of them- Suzy's milkglass, the apples, various odd pressed glass plates/compotes/goblets and my little glass birds. I remember one of the last times I was home we all (Mum and Daddy, Barbie, Grendel) went to the glass factor in Jennerstown (or Jeanette?)... We bought our pumpkin candy dishes there, and goblets- dark blue, green, pink. Grendel got to see how glass was made- the same tour I took countless times as a kid. Never grew tired of the beautiful glow of the glass, how it is formed and shaped and molded. Like all of us from that town, industrial but fragile, precious out of our range.
This got me thinking- I really want to see Johnstown again, show Charles all the relics of my past (though I know they are not the same, but still), take a zillion photos, ride the incline plane and have some raisin cookies. Gobs. A sub from Clark's (with hot peppers). See Morley's dog (he is a French bloodhound- and he looks like Bear! by the way- it's bear's "bear-thday" today- she is two) I've been dreaming about Coon Ridge road and Northfork Dam, the Easy grade and the arch to nowhere. The Ship on the Mountain (it's gone now), Storybook forrest, the mountains and endless railroad tracks winding down the valley.... anyhoo, I was thinking of the giant yardsale thing they used to have at Riverside in June, where the whole neighborhood from the river to the base of Eisenhower would be filled with tables of goodness. I was wondering if they still do that- had a little fantasy of going up home with the manz, hunting out fenton/fostoria/westmoreland to bring back to sell here. Up there it was like dimes- everywhere- down here they preen over ruby laced milkglass and would do flips over some of the more unusual stuff... I know the factories are long gone, but I am sure it turns up regular like in yardsales....even if it doesn't, it would be a good adventure and I could tell the manz endless stories about nothing much and coax him to try new food....
Today I should be focused and at work by now, instead I am noodling about, distant, dreamy. I feel weird (it's not just the nyquil and pamprin, though that is part of it) it is spring fever, a tiny cold, and just that urge that comes with Easter time to travel back to the land of hostage bunnies. (They decorate for Easter by tying inflatable bunnies to trees....but at least they decorate). I miss my Mum, I miss my Daddy, I miss walking with Grendel up to Oshea's for Easter pigs, licorice whips and ginger drops. I miss my sisters, (even Barbies insane passion for BBQ Lima beans), beer sold by the case, Grandview cemetery and the way the flower barn smells back in the green house (the one with the fountain). I miss the birds in the big cage at Greengate mall, Horseshoe curve, Auntie Lou's slips, Popop's yard, Granny Wrye's pigeon hole and the cuckoo clock with the bird with the plastic cherry in it's beak. I miss being little enough to play with buttons (in the golden shoebox) and pokerchips (in the metal box with angel's on the top). Lilacs, snowdrops, Headacher, Picken' Chicken and Bethco. Hunting Easter Eggs at the club. Summer time and going to sister Sue's house in Pittsburgh. All those things.
But I don't miss them in a bad way, or a sad way. Just nostalgic. My Johnstown is long gone- grown over with new faces, names, stories. Bits remain though, and I would like to visit them sometime- just to say hello.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

signs and wonders

Saturday, and the first sign of Spring flowers blooming- a few daffodils in the front of our yarden. I am trying to change, be more active- I had been working on homework all morning, completed two assignments for Virtual Reality (I love that class- I neglect it because I am spending so much more time on the thesis), then was working on a web page. Lots of typing and editing and spell checking then I hit the wrong button and screwed it up beyond repair. (I know- I tried to repair it but just made it worse and worse- all tangled up).
Then it was balancing the budget time, which is never fun... by the end of that I was tired and stressed. Manz was off to get manz supplies (we are out of eggs, among other things) and I was going to take a nap (sure cure for stress)... but all I could do is think and think all in tangles and I was just getting wound up tighter.

So I got up and put on my beloved plaid chucks, headed out the door with the camera to look for Spring. Actually, I was going to take Max for a dog-walk, but it is still to cold and windy for that. Instead I roamed about the yarden and found a few flowers- deep breaths and a bit of a walk and I am ready to start again.

Friday, March 5, 2010

More Art~

A marionette of 'Bottom' from Midsummer's Night's Dream that I made as an example. I think he turned out fairly well- most of this year's marionettes are. They are made out of basically nothing- paperclips, masking tape, tin foil, scraps of fabric, a tiny bit of sculpy and a tad of paint.

I didn't begin with intending to create Bottom, but when I was demoing how to make animal heads I really liked his donkey-head. For those with rusty Shakespeare, Bottom was a main character- a rustic travelling actor- who was bewitched by Oberon (the fairy king) into having a donkey head. The fairy queen, Titania, was then given a love potion- she fell head over heels in love with Bottom. Many years ago I played the part of Titania- my singular speaking role in theatre as an adult. It was tons of fun...

I like making things with the kids- of course I have to, part of the job to make demos, but it's one of the best parts of the job. Even though we have had tons of budget cuts, I'm basically ok with it as I am good at making something out of nothing- I've been doing it so long that I don't know what I'd do with 'real' art supplies (and I don't think they would actually work any better than my budget supplies). The crafts class has now moved on from marionettes and we are making mandalas out of old vinyl records- 'upcycling' is the trendy word for it. I'm going to bring in some of the manz sculptural bowls and flowers he made from records- he is very creative and talented, especially in sculpting and constructing things.

This weekend is more homework, more working on my endless webpage- if anyone out there has experience with flipbook java programs I could use some help! My flip book works but is *still* an ugly green color that just won't go away....rather like the face of the witch in 'Wicked'.

OoooOOo... someone from foods 2 just brought me yummy potatoes- mashed with a crust of cheese and bacon. so much for the diet!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Every time I give the kids a sketchbook assignment, I do it to. The rationale I give them is "If I have time to do it, you have time to do it. No excuses!" truth is, I just like doing them and sharing them with the class. It's art, but also group therapy and bonding. A good thing.

This weeks assignment is "home sweet home: what is it about your home that is sweet?"

It is our tumble-down cottage, how it makes me feel more than how it looks (even though it does have bright green flower boxes and a distinct lean to one side). Cheerful and comforting, exciting, cosy and full of good magicness. Chicken feet like Baba Yaga's hut allow it to go anywhere. The swirly front yard is full of mud and water, big flowers growing all around. Road of different colors over on the right, the star above the door and all over the sky- beauty and peace and magic and love and everything I could ever want.

It's not perfect, our home. I've slacked off (waaaay off) on cleaning, the manz works hard so it will keep standing up and be weather-tight (so far so good!) and right now everything outside is a muddy mess. But it is our home, and it is sweet to come home to after school or work or adventures. Right now all that matters is that it is our place, a place for the boy to come home to, a place for the doggs and kitty, a place that can be anything we want it to be.

I've lived in many places, many houses- once a boat and once a bus- but this house is my favorite of them all. It forgives me when I am to tired to clean (other houses get cranky if you don't clean- they start letting you know in no uncertain terms that they need attention!) never seems to complain about anything. It may sound silly, but I do believe that houses have very distinct personalities- some are cranky and ill tempered, prone to breaks and disasters... some scary, some easy-going, some like to be busy and shared, others prefer to huddle alone on a hill. Some houses are plain unfriendly- it has nothing to do with the people who are living there, it is the house. Makes you feel unwelcome, uncomfortable.

This house has a good personality- it is a kind house, rather like a well-worn tshirt that is incredibly soft and fits just right. I like that- all is well, home sweet home.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Box of Amazing Stuff!!!

At the auction, sometimes there are things that no one wants. This past auction there was a lump of leftovers.... and I was told that I could have this old box that was full of vintage fabric (yay!). I finally got around to bringing the box to school today and we unpacked it- discovered that it was full of treasures!

Included: quite a few sections of nice vintage fabric, the yo-yo spread (pictured) it only needs 3 small connections- looks like it fits a double bed, quite nice.... the apron Ariel is modeling (I let her have it- it was *tiny*) a nice section of heavy white satin (Neena claimed that), old tea towels partially embroidered with "it's an art", stencils, fabric treatment paint, glitter, stickers, nice scrapbooking collage paper, a random sea bean and a wooden paddle shaped like a hand and inscribed " To Mrs. Brown from Reggie J." I'm guessing Reggie J. was not exactly a model student. I'm thinking I'm going to repaint one side of the paddle (it has a rocking horse decal on it), save the original inscription and turn this into my hall pass. Cool stuff- useful, amusing, artsycraftsy- Christmas come to visit all over again. I'll take an abandoned box o'stuff anyday!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


The manz always knows how to make my day better. Even though he was feeling awful, he made breakfast this morning (yum!) and my lunch...tucked in a surprise of black jellybeans.
I love black jellybeans best of all....few people do (the manz, Melissa, Barbie, Daddy) but they have such a nice bite to the sweetness. Overall, I'm more of a fan of the old-school spicy jellybeans- licorice, vanilla (Mum's favorite), cinnamon, clove, mint, lemon- than the flat tasting cheapy fruit kind. The good fruity kind is nice- starburst and the like- but Grendel eats all of those. I do like Jelly Belly's (especially popcorn, sweet tea, coffee) and even some of the Harry Potter kind (grass and dirt are my favorites! go figure~)
Jellybeans are one of those things that lurk around all year, but are best eaten in the spring. A seasonal (fruit? vegetable? seed?) they form in colorful plastic eggs that hatch into sugary goodness. The proper way to eat the jellybean is to nibble off the outside (you do this by putting the whole thing in your mouth, otherwise your hands turn jelly-bean color) and then enjoy the squisky middle. mmmmm..... of course the black jellybeans turn your lips, tongue, teeth a lovely shade of zombie-gray.
Right now the sky is zombie gray and it is pelting down sklish- which is kinda thick slushy rain that is not quite ice, but wants to be. It's cold, I have class tonight, and all I can think about is hot tea and garlic bread. I could live on that sometimes.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Mad March Hare!

Hellos all- I must explain my absence for the past few weeks. It was the end of winter, and I was bogged down in the sticky mud of Feburary- everything here has been brown and grey and covered in mud, cold... normally things that I am ok with, but with the combination of stress (work work work) and the cutting down of the little woods across from our house (to build a waste water pump station) I got kinda down in the doldrums. Nothing bad, just to the point where I was just mono-focused, feeling like nothing was being accomplished by me... tired, cold, wanting to just rest and eat and sleep. Which gets nothing much done, except adding to the bleah attitude- a self defeating cycle.

But sometimes those times of backwash are needed- I just hermited away (sorry I haven't been more social) and let the manz take care of me (he takes excellent care) and pushed along. Work. School. Pepper's Wedding- grendel came home for it, and it was beautiful- but I was feeling kinda blue, with the boys growing up and all. Charles is down with a horrid cold, then on Sunday- minutes before taking Grendel to Raleigh- the computer (Sophia) broke. Just refused to turn on- supposed she is having her time of doldrums as well.

But last night there was a rabbit moon- a beautiful bright rabbit moon to wish on for the changing of the seasons. Spring always begins for me on March 1, and with a new brightness and hopefulness for moving along. The air is cold still- we may have more snow tomorrow- but the forsythia in the back yard has a few blooms on it, and there is hope.