The relics from Slovenian Savings and Loan (it still exists! check it out at http://www.sloveniansavings.com/about.asp) but I doubt they give away free kitchen gadets anymore... these lovely examples of turquoise and tan where long-term residents of Daddy's kitchen. One is a funnel, one an egg seperator and I remember learning how to cook, using these, getting them mixed up- even though the funnel works ok as a seperator as well.
Who seperates eggs anymore? Or bakes anything from scratch? (except Melissa, who makes kick-butt scones) When I do seperate eggs- mainly for class demonstrations- I just break the egg into my hand and let the whites run out through my fingers. The yolk stays round and firm, and we play 'pass the yolk' from student to student until someone breaks it. Good, messy fun.
Grendel goes back to college today- I wanted to write some clever analogy about seperating eggs being like seperating boy-from-home. Home runs off as the yolk travels from place to place, changes into something else. Eggs being the kitchen magic that holds everything together, a universal binder. Once the shell is cracked and the egg escapes and is seperated, everything is still 'egg' but with it's own unique properties, ready to do it's own unique thing. Whites can be whipped into foam, or used as a varnish. Yolks hold the nutritiants, the ability to thicken and bind paint, turn into deviled goodness. The shell is empty, clean, ready to be broken into tiny bits for moasics or painted or filled or composted or satisfyingly crushed.
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