This is Luna-cat! She is about 4 mths old, just a tabby cat- she is friendly and will probably be staying with us.... the doggs (who are not especially bright) didn't realise we had a cat until last night, then max started sitting outside the guest room door listening.... the light is slowly dawning. I'll take time, try to introduce them one at a time today while the others are outside, hopefully everyone will eventually settle down.
Never thought I'd have a cat again. I'm not a cat person much, and all of my cats have lived mainly outside. But Luna will at least be mainly inside right now- the mice are her job and the mice are inside... hopefully they will just smell her, pack their mouse-bags and move out.
Anyhoo, it's back to litterboxes (ew...can't stand them. necessary evil tho) and cat cuddles (which are nice) and hopefully a minimum of cat-dog drama. All the dogs are good doggs- Max and Belle have been around cats before- but Ursula is a tank and plays rough. I think this house is big enough and has enough climbing/hiding spaces that everything will turn out copacetic once they get over the initial meetings... for now, Luna has the guest room and stays in there when the doggs are inside. She is a pretty little thing....
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