Sometimes I just have to make things- no particular reason, just a creative sneeze. Yesterday I sneezed-out this Gumdrop Unicorn... in about 5 minutes during ArtBlock. Some junk, a broken gourd, a bit of hot glue and *poof* unicorn goodness. Jordan promptly broke the legs off it in 4th block- every one wanted to play with it- so they are reattached, this time with E-6000 (best. glue. ever.) Art room has a new mascot.
I use the term 'gumdrop unicorn' in class to discourage the makers of glittery, sugary, images of tinkerbell and tweety bird riding pretty ponies over the rainbow into a sunset bright with pooh-bear. Not that they can't make that in their own time (and have a grand future designing really-bad Walmart t-shirts, like the current Hannah Monstrosities that are on sale...what kind of grown woman- plus size grown woman- like me- would want to parade Hannah Montana on her front and Tweety bird on her butt?) Anyhoo- I am trying to get the kids to expand their aesthetics beyond Disney World and Grand Theft Auto sensibilities. I'm down with the Manga- at least that is multicultural and they have to be smart enough to read backwards to get it.
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