Yep, another photo of snow- it's a novelty here! It is still solid on the ground this morning, and school is cancelled again, but it will be gone by this afternoon. Bear has decided that she likes snow after all, and is outside playing in it.... I took a bazillion pictures yesterday of snow on stuff outside, but I think this is my favorite.
This is my new mercury-glass witchball that is hanging from the dogwood tree on the back patio. Witchballs date back to- forever- and are found in different forms in most cultures.. the term 'witchball' is English and was used in the American colonies as well. African-Americans call them 'Jackballs' and while they have a different form, and sometimes additional purposes, the basic idea is the same.
Witchballs are protective charms- they are made to be interesting enough to distract bad luck (bad vibes, bad magic) so that it is diverted from your home. The reflective/glassy kind bounce it back at the sender. Witchbottles and Jackballs are more like puzzles- the outside is a bottle or wrapped solid in string, the inside is made of nails and sharp things. The idea behind it is that the puzzle is attractive enough that it must be solved, but when the inside is reached the sharp things destroy all the bad intent. Interesting!
Story about my previous witchball- which was heavy glass, peacock colored all purply blue and green. It hung in the same tree since I moved in here- through hurricanes, storms etc. It shattered without reason one morning- it was just everywhere. There had been no wind, or cold or disturbance in the night, except that the ex-boyfriend was being all dramatic. That witchball had served it's purpose, absorbing all the negativity until it was full enough to explode.
Grendel and I went into town for something unrelated and I found this one... on sale. REALLY on sale. Under $5.00 on sale. I love the silvery gold color, the simplicity of it. Beautiful, magic, safe.
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