The house is absurdly quiet without the boy~ the worlds-largest-computer is missing from the studio, no sleeping to the sounds of explosions, no eaves dropping on warcraft conversations. With the absence of my boy comes the absence of his friends- I am used to them just walking in and out of the house at all hours, the smell of pizza and mcdonalds, stepping on those annoying little airsoft bbs that get all up in the vacuum.
With them all back to college, it is like break never happened- until I am reminded of their presence by the umbiquitious stray Q-tip.
What *is* it with men-and-Qtips? Every man I have ever known- from senior age to child- has a passion for them. (what is the purpose of Qtips anyway? it says on the package not to stick them in your ear...) Boys use them for ears and noses, cleaning keyboards and other electronics, and just love to play with them apparently. All of that is not so bad- though kinda gross- but they NEVER MAKE IT INTO THE TRASH. They end up *beside* the trash if your lucky, or in potted plants, on desks, in pockets, on the floor. Just left around like a Hansel-and-Gretal trail through the woods. Follow the Q-tips!
When all the boys are here, there is the occasional query- 'hey, got any Q-tips?'- whispered in hushed tones. I can't remember actually purchasing them, but we always seem to have them in abundance regardless of their constant consumption. Maybe they regenerate. I know that boy makes sure to pack them, and it is crisis of infinite proportions if the supply ever would run out- one of the enduring mysteries of man-world.
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