This is my rope, wherein I am rapidly reaching the end thereof. Actually, the rope itself is quite nice- it is made of seagrass, smells like sun on the meadows and horses. It is tough and smooth, not very flexible, but a lovely color. I bought it in Asheville with the intents of making a basket- I actually started making the basket using hemp as a weft.... then Kyle, in a misguided attempt to give me a birthday present, cut the weft in order to make me a bracelet, which Bear ate before he could give it to me. Tis ok, cause I just like the rope as it is.
The end of the rope is thus- I know that leaving a relationship is hard, but over is over. Some people just won't let things go, and are more tenacious than a burr. I know that I wished for love, and the rule to be careful for what you wish for is just reinforced by this whole situation. Over is over, pal- and when I reach the end of my rope, I just cut it off and spin me a new one.
1 comment:
Good for you. No matter what, just keep in mind, you have many people who love you and the powers that be are testing us because we ( both) can take it. We can also learn from it. We are strong, awesome, and should have a billion kharma coins built up.
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