This is one of the windows in the studio- looking out to the front porch. It's not really dark outside, just one of those cold rainy days that is winter here, feels like spring to everyone else. This morning I just sat in my comfy chair, drinking coffee and studying, watching the rain fall- beauty.
I love the little panes, I love my odd stuff hanging. I've never liked curtains or blinds much, they make me feel trapped and locked in. I've never cared if other people could see in- I'm not in the habit of walking about naked (and the whole world thanks me for that) and I always liked passing houses at nights with the lights on and the drapes open. Everything looks cozy and small, safe and warm and happy. Here at least, it is.
Hanging things is another habit I have always had. I blame it on all the trips to historical homesteads when I was a kid- the herbs, neat rows of copper pots, hand dipped candles and most beautiful of all, the dyed yarns. Beauty and safety and order, hearth and home. However, in my crazy gypsy way, I hang teacups and stones, shells, keys, scissors, a Japanese spoon. Old chandelier crystals hang on the porch, the herbs are hollies, bearberry, rosemary and silverleaf nightshade collected on the winter solstice. When they are dry, I shall bottle them, label them neatly, tuck them away.
Today I'm in love with my house.
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