Kabillion is my favorite number- I use it
allot. As in "I have 26
kabillion things to do" which pretty much describes today. Oh, let's see - I've got school, and that means getting the examples from the house for crafts class, magicking up a power point for AP art history (least. favorite. class. ever.)
Attendance, which I forgot to do yesterday.... then I have to meet someone at Barnes and
Nobels because I gave them a microwave on
freecycle, then another meeting at the connection cafe (ghost hunters from
tv! cool!) and in between all of this I have to run home let dogs in or out (debating on should I put them out or not this morning? It might rain, but as usual the
forecast is unresolved... but they like out rather than in). plus homework, plus the essay for the fellowship application (fingers crossed), plus regular mum-type chores.... and there is art I want to do, books I want to read, things to watch... 26
The photo has basically *nothing* to do with the title, or what I have to do today- It is just a picture of the shelves over the big desk in the studio. Full of friendly, interesting stuff. A
kabillion tons of stuff.
KaZillion......that's mine....and Ghost Hunters? You get to see the Ghost Hunters? ppl.
Yea- ghost hunters! but it didn't work out...i waited at barnes/nobles forever for the freecycle lady, apparently she was outside, i was inside.... then i just got overwhelmingly exhausted- i went home and went to bed at like 7....
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