Pinking Shears. Do you know that the pinking shears are named after a flower because the zaggedy edges look like the petals of a 'pink'? (Max's favorite!) The purpose of the edges is to cut woven cloth- because the cuts are not straight, when the weave frays- and it will- it frays in little bits rather than long tangley threads. Less damage, so they say.
These were Mothers, I ended up with them along with the heavy black sewing machine. I remember when these were bright and clean silver, sharp and capable of their purpose with a satisfying snick. I remember sneaking them to cut paper, which dulls the blades horribly.... but I still don't separate my scissors into paper/cloth/wire as I should. Am much to impatient to do whatever I am doing with whatever is at hand. Lesson of the story: I have the right tools, but I don't use them unless it is convenient. Easy at first, problems down the road.
Anyhoo, these are no longer sharp at all, and have acquired rusty bits, but they are still heavy and interesting. I suppose I could get them sharpened somewhere- surely somebody sharpens scissors (oooo alliteration!). I like having them around though, they are my only pair of pinking shears in all my clutter of scissors.... I am wondering what percentage of this blog will end up being about scissors as I have a decided thing for them- I have scissors like bag ladies have cats.
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