mmmm...nest. Which I just rolled out of- and it being noon on a Saturday, that is quite decadent. What makes it even more so is that I went to bed at 5 last night...... so that is how many kabillion hours of sleep? suppose I needed it, suppose I would of kept on happily dreaming away except the new cat attacked my head. (Curly hair = cat toy apparently)
I don't know why I was so very exhausted after school yesterday- I had good intentions of going home, watching buffy and making art (am working on an exciting project- sculpture- haven't done sculpture in ages!) but *wham* I could barely feed the doggs then crawl into bed. This morning I let them out, crawled right back into bed. Instant Dreams.
In order for the nest to be a proper nest, it must be possessed of extra pillows- mine are ancient feather pillows from granny wrye, they are all still marked 'Wrye' on the casings- and many, many, many layers of quilts. Melissa gave me a beautiful dark blue down comforter for Christmas that 'somehow' ended up in Savannah with Grendel (hummm?) but that's ok cause I have all the quilts in the world on my bed. And usually a dog or two.
Thing is, if I'm cold, I can't sleep. When I am tired I get very, very, very cold- bundle up in sleep pants, long sleeves, socks (which always escape then hide at the bottom of the bed until sheet-washing day)...I was still cold this morning when I let the doggs out so I know I really did need to rest more. I am a sleep-pants person, nightgowns end up strangling you and nudity is out of the question (not only is it cold, but I dream that I am naked-in-public which is not pleasant. not pleasant at all)
I do dream. always. In full color, full feel, full smell- vivid dreams that I usually remember. I'm lucky that way. Only very rarely am I sleepless, and I usually don't have a problem sleeping at other peoples homes or in motels.... I love being at the top of a motel in a city, opening the blinds and being able to look at the lights. Here it is very, very dark at night.... the only thing that keeps me up and annoyed is trying to sleep with a tv on. Can't do it. (funny, most guys relish falling asleep with the tv. annoys the crap out of me). Not much for sleeping in public either- on planes and the like- but have learned how to sleep in my office chair, and love the futon in LC's room.... naps are marvelous things!
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