Although not of artifact status, where would we be without Kleenex? I have the first cold of 2009, and it is one of those sneezy, drippy, wet colds that require a constant supply of Kleenex. Thursday was horrible- I was trapped at school with no Kleenex (public schools absolutely DO NOT provide such luxuries) and had to make do with a choice of: school toilet paper which is one-ply and instantly dissolves into nothing, thereby doing no good, school paper towels which are the brown scratchy kind or my sleeve, which requires ninja-like stealth, the ability to with stand the inside of the sleeve being damp and the 'ew' factor. I was quite Rudolph by the time I got home.
Yesterday I treated myself to real Kleenex (in the pretty box!) TWO whole boxes, one for home and one for school. I wanted the Vick's kind, but it was not to be found. (Along with a craving for buffalo chicken after school. Last month it was everywhere, this month everyone discontinued it. so it was hot-n-sour soup which works equally as well) Anywoo, while cruising through the day I was remembering Mums Rules of Kleenex Use: 1) Never blow your nose. It will mess up your ears. 2) Daub, don't wipe. 3) When having a cold, it is ok to be seen in your own home with a home-made cold mask made of Kleenex stuffed up your nose so it absorbs and shields at the same time. 4) the reason for long sleeves is so that you can hide wads of Kleenex in them when out in public without pockets of a purse. Of course, being at school I wear a skirt (no pockets) and have no purse, so you can always find Ms. King by following the trail of shed Kleenex and hair pins. 5) colored Kleenex is hedonistic and bad for you. It is only to be used when making flowers for wedding cars. (to this day, I remember making suzy's blue wedding car Kleenex flowers. I must of been very little, but it is the first craft I remember consciously learning- can see it plain as day. It was like the rose-parade, but Kleenex) Mum kept her Kleenex in metal Kleenex-box-holders (white with flowers or black and gold) and I remember the shiny big foil boxes of Kleenex- the coppery one has always been my favorite. And they still make them- it's good some things never change!
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