Monday, December 20, 2010

Gray and brown

Gray and brown, everything outside is gray and brown and showing it's bones.  I like this time of year for it is honest about things- nothing is hidden in a veil of leaves and flowers, it's all there in plain sight like a face without makeup.  Exhausted but honest. Resting, withdrawn from all the busyness of the other seasons, the relentless harvesting and growing and the constant hum of the bees.

I love those things to, but it's nice to rest.

The past month or so I haven't written, no excuses other than the well went dry.  This morning though I woke up with gray and brown in my head and I wanted to write- about the way the world is right now, about winter, about bones and quiet and resting.  The holidays are different for us again this year- it seems that every year they take on their own glamour, and change around circumstances- I worry about tradition, but it slips away.  Last year was a busy whorl of bright lights and colors, the wedding, Christmas and everything to the hilt and beyond.  This year is the opposite, a year of bearing in, removing ourselves from the distractions of 'to much' to be with ourselves.  Simple things.  White candles. Doggies.  A cat that snores.  Dreaming under the electric blanket and watching endless movies about nothing together while my brain takes a holiday. Grendel is off to his Dad's for Christmas, and Charles's relatives are all off to other places- Christmas day it will be just us and his parents and the great white house.  Which is nice, together, a chance to talk and listen and look at old photographs.

It's not that I'm anti-social, it's just that I'm craving stillness.  All fall I have had school and work, and while I love those things- I love thinking best of anything mostly- it is the constant need of the students that wears me down. That doesn't sound very kind, but it's true- their need to be taught what to do and what not to- their need for attention and love and all of it.  I still have two days with them before break, time for cookies and movies and laughing.  Monkey noises. (one of my boys, a senior, makes monkey noises.  Someday I'll explain why- I love him and worry about him and he drives me nuts)  I'm looking forward to these days but I am looking forward more to long days at home with the manz.  Just us, together with the bones of the world all around, us and doggies and a cat that snores.

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