Thursday, February 23, 2012

Cure All...

They found the lost girl, safe and sound, and I am home again today.  Days like this I hate being home from school- there is a lot to do, the students are in the instructional phase and not ready for studio, I am going to be gone soon for a week.  And I tried- but there is no way I can go to school- can't even manage my way around the house, driving would be a disaster- and teaching? I'm struggling to complete a thought.

I did go to dr. Lori yesterday who confirmed that I have a serious ear infection, as well as a stomach virus thing that has been going around.  She gave me antibiotics for the ear, and medications for the nausea and diarrhea (to much information, I know, but writing about it lets me whine about how icky I feel and also makes for rationalization of staying home from school).  Anyway, the nausea medication basically knocks you out- I took one last night at 6:30, went to bed and this morning- when Charles woke me up at 6 for school (I usually get up at fourish) I attempted but it is impossible.  I can't think straight, I'm groggy, can't balance or walk straight, and queasy again (but I am not taking another pill right now- I have feeling sluggish and stupid, and that is exactly how I feel). ..I'm back in bed typing on evie.  Keep closing my eyes though....but the antibiotics give me a serious case of the creepies- where you feel like there are thousands of tiny sharp bugs prickling your skin all over, can't sleep but to sedated to do anything... ugh.  I have a ton of paperwork/ school work that I should be doing (not to mention taxes) but I can't focus on much of anything.

I remember staying home from school when I was little, always the vaporizer (hot or cold- I loved how the steam/vapor felt, and the sound it made was reassuring, like a cats purr).  I would read encyclopedias, be dosed sometimes with castoria (which was a cure all that I remember tasting something like burnt molasses mixed with coke, but probably didn't taste like that at all), drink water and tea and play ghost with kleenexs.  (You play ghost by twisting one end into  a head shape, then holding it up so  the vaporizer steam catches it- it will fly for a second, before getting all soggy and crashing.  For some reason I really liked this game).  Watching the black and white tv, but only shows were not on during the day and I wasn't interested at all in the soaps and talk shows of the grownups.  Or game shows, other than Jeopardy.  

Today is like that in a way- no tv, tried to start to watch something with the manz but movement gets my tummy going.  Can't concentrate enough to work or read, so am rambling typing, listening to the birds outside, the cat snoring at the bottom of the bed.  Going to try to sleep today and get better- if I keep fighting it and try to work, it ends up being counterproductive.  I'll just have to redo the work- I like to work more if I am awake and alert and full of ideas- then I can work well and fast.  When I feel  likes, everything is disconnected and takes forever- like walking through pudding.  I mentioned it before, but I *hate* this feeling-  I want to wake up, get things done, go see the flowers outside...but not today.  Today is for sleep and rest and getting well.

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