Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sorting obsessions

First off, I didn't take this picture, although I like to think that it is something I would of taken.  Instead it is one of my pinterest pins- and that is what I am really going to write about today, even though the strings successfully communicates the idea behind it all- and that is my obsessions with collecting and sorting.  I wonder about this sometimes- I am going to see Dr. Mike today so I may talk to him about it- I'm curious.  I've always been a collector of things- have written about that many times- and have a new obsession, pinterest.

Pinterest is my absolute favorite new technological toy.  It is a social network, but organized visually through shared pictures and themes- not your own images so much as those you find and like all over the web.  You can instantly collect them into the categories you determine, and share with the community at large.  It's rather hard to put in words, but when you see it, you understand instantly how it works.  For me, it's like an image based sketchbook where I can gather research, images, references and everything I like in one place.  And that act of gathering is what I am thinking about now.

I love to collect- when I gather, it provides me with a calmness and a sense of safety, and I often take it happily overboard.  Thank God I like natural objects, old books and junk- otherwise I would be broke.  And I work hard at managing these collections so I don't turn into a hoarder. I try to transform and give away, and display- our home, my classroom and office are cabinets of curiosities- full of all this interesting jetsam.  The kids at school love it- they tell me that my room is the best place in school because it is interesting, comfortable, and welcoming....that makes me happy.   And the virtual collecting place of pinterest allows me to collect without actual possession, fulfilling the need while maintaining my money and space. No one seems to care if I get carried away and collect thousands of things, all sorting according to my own logistics and connections.  Some people even like them.

On days like today, where I wake up and I'm already frustrated- lots to do, have to be at school early and endure an annoying day of monitoring my freshman home room while they do busy work that will take all of 15 minutes (I have them for three and a half hours).....then short classes, grades due, tutoring, PDP reviews before school, group work for ECU probably tonight (after 8. live on line. no one seems to realize that my brain does not function after 8pm- I am ready for bed).  And of course I'm worried about the usual things- taxes (must do them this weekend!), financial aid (must do that as well), money (vanishes at the speed of light)...well, I'm anxious and stressed and impatient and just grrrrrrrrrrrr right now, which is not a good omen. And I want to have a good day- I have no excuse not to.

Yesterday was wonderful- I recorded the live class early so I didn't have to go online at night to teach, then came home to spaghetti and garlic bread, grapes and one forbidden chocolate heart.  The manz gave me a beautiful card that he made himself (it had little doors), with a love letter inside- which charms me entirely. We curled up and watched tv (no, nothing romantic- instead a sampling of my favorite CSI type shows- I'm not big on romantic stories, give me a good murder any day).....comfortable evening at home, loved it all- so I don't know where all of this is coming from today.  Collecting worked a bit this morning, but then I wasn't able to transition well, the writing here seems all slow and stumbly, and I have to wash my hair. (I've gotten to *hate* washing my hair.  Why? again, no clue- except there just never seems the right time to do it.  If I wash at night, it gets all strange when I sleep, if I wash in the morning, it takes forever to dry-) just another thing I need to just go ahead and do instead of dwelling on it.

And I think that is my solution for today.  Just go ahead and get it done, it won't take as long as expected, and you will feel better.  Grace in action and all that- off I go.

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