Monday, August 1, 2011

My SillyHillyBilly

Charles is a ham...and not afraid to get into character at the auction-  This weeks highlights included him riding a unicycle (seriously- wasn't quick enough to get a picture of that gem), and assuming the hillbilly pose for the auctioning of assorted guns.  Cap on backward, goofy...our friend told me to register him for screen gems- he could have a career as an extra, easy!  Just might do that~

Lots of pretty things at this auction, but didn't end up with them.  I did get one pretty thing (it's for Miss Ball's birthday!) and a collection of "cootie club" Shriner outfits- shirts, sashes, purple fezzes (what is the plural of fez?) and other Shriner stuff.  That will make my theater teachers happy campers! Am collecting my beginning of the year bribes for all the county arts folks....every one is so much more cooperative with my schemes when I bribe them with fezzes.  Yay!  (and picture frames. I never know what to bribe the music people with tho- )

Anyhoo, it's back to school today- not officially yet, but have a few days this week of county work to do, and have to be at Topsail weds. so am easing back into the school year.  3 days each week...then the work weekish/kids come back.  Summer goes by so fast, but this one was fairly good- took lots of naps, sold some paintings, painted a bunch, got to go to the mountains-  I miss going to Texas, but we need a new car before that happens (had to replace the battery now on Traveler car, and the back windows don't roll down right- plus no ac and it has been hot, hot, hot here).  With some luck, we will be able to get a new-to-us car at years end, and keep traveler for a work car, limit Esmeralda to just roadshows and pickups (she is a hungry, hungry van.) I like having a plan and a goal.....and now I have to get started!

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