Sunday, August 14, 2011


Mule- watercolor in sketchbook on top of other drawing
Summer is, for the most part, over... it's back to school now, officially on Thursday but I've started a few days a week the first of August.  I work to hard, but "that's how I roll" ...seriously, I do love to work/have my career.  Even though I fantasize about staying home and just doing art, I know that isn't what I'm meant to do- even if we didn't starve to death on that income- I like to teach, to plan, to think up new things and interact.  I have horrible doubts sometimes because I am *not* a good technical teacher- my classes (with few exceptions- and I totally credit the kids) do not turn out those amazing drawings/paintings/designs that make everyone go ooooooo and awwwwwww. nope.  The usual reaction is 'huh' or ' have, uh, improved?'  but I *do* teach them how to think, be curious, experimental and - hopefully- tolerant of difference/new ideas.  (ironically, the one thing that I cannot tolerate is intolerant people. I am to well mannered to voice it- unless they are being outright abusive- so when people rant about politics, race, sexuality, religion whathaveyou from the point of 'my way or the highway' I just space out and ignore them. are entitled to voicing your views, but seriously, don't make me try to adopt them.  Who's ranting now? ...I did say 'irony')

Ok- off the mark there, but I'm gearing up for my gentle war (which mainly consists of saying 'new adjective', this is the room of tolerance and love -that is more sarcastic than it sounds-, and something else that I can't remember right now, but it rhymes and makes the kids laugh)  For grownups, the teachers I supposedly lead, my tagline for this year is "Learn to Love the Change" (we are changing the curriculum across the board and for arty people they can be very reluctant I am being all positive, and need to figure out bribes for music teachers.  I can bribe art with frames, theater/dance with costume-stuff and auction props, but I haven't a clue music wise.  What do they like? do tell).

Totally veered sideways from my original topic here I'm thinking, but that is ok as well. Flexibility. Change. Growth. 

Last night was an auction night, and for the first time ever the manz missed the auction because he was sick with a stomach bug.  He is still on the couch, sound asleep with the heating pad on the belly and the remote control within easy reach.  He did wake up long enough to tell me "you didn't shut the door and the cat got in here and woke me up clawing the couch, grrrrrr" then back to sleep which is the best thing for sick grouchy men.  (The cat is now securely locked up in the bedroom, safe away from all tempting couches.)

Anyhoo, I took total advantage last night and watched an entire disk of Warehouse 13 (I think he made it through 1 1/2 episodes), and went way off diet for some end of summer treats: Thai-style ramen (peanut curry- yum), a couple of 'Salty Doggs' (grapefruit juice, sharp ginger ale, vodka...the rim is supposed to be salted but I'm out of sea salt and don't know how to regardless...) and the most marvelous ice cream ever:  Ben and Jerry's Carrot cake.  I know, it doesn't sound like an ice cream, but they do it oh-so-well.  Caramel ice cream- lightly sweet, very cinnamony not the heavy caramel- with this wonderful band of creamcheese and bits of just a little chewy carrot cake.  The cake is in just the right size- not big bready chunks, not just tiny crumbs- just nuggets of goodness with what looks to be possibly candied carrots? and (YAY) no nuts!  A slight nutty flavor, but no hard bits.  I'm not fond of hard bits in my ice cream, unless it is pistachio.  Wonderous stuff- almost more savory than sweet sweet... I've been craving this all summer since I heard about it the first of June, and I am so happy I caved in at last.  It was well worth it.

Night of decadence over, today I have a kabillion tons of organizational paperwork to do- again, more leadership stuff.  Tomorrow I will go to school and finish setting up the room (the plan of setting it up with Grendel on Friday was happily interrupted by a phone call, job interview and resulting Grendel job. Yay!)  Then two days at home for 'writing days' where I will work on my classes...then school starts.  First day meetings, convocation with workshops (the aforementioned reluctant dragon workshops- just the start. This is a year-long process). ..a weekend, then the year begins again.  Students........

My natural cycle.  And of course, after all summer, I finally have the inspiration for a new altered book project, so I want to work on that.  And I'm reading the first Game of Thrones book which is addictive....but I'm excited.  Today is a good day, and I'm gonna make the best out of it that I can!

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