Saturday, July 7, 2012

Toad and turtles

It's hot.  Gloriously, dangerously, take-your-breath-away hot. Since we have been back, I've been drifting- we've been drifting.  I walk every morning (but one, where my knee just refused to work for some reason) and the day moves fast yet comfortable.  Hard to explain, but we are drifting along then it is suddenly 10 o'clock, then two, then 5:30 or 7....time is like water, and we both forget what day it is.  Mr. Owens tends to always think it is Saturday or Sunday (I suppose because I am home?) - as for me, I have no clue. One day just blends into another.

In the heat, the doggs stay inside and sleep on the cool floors, the cat- perversely- sleeps in the sun. We have visitors to the yarden- toads, a baby snapping turtle, an old box turtle, chicken snakes, lizards, skinks.  The butterflies are scarce and even the bees stay home.  In the morning I see deer down by the horse farm and Paul's chickens under the power lines- Mr. Owens always sees the wild tom turkey (what is it with Mr. Owens and turkeys?).  My hair likes this weather- it is thick and curly again after being all parched-hay-frizzy in Texas... I like this weather to, it agrees with me, feels naturally tranquilizing.  I am not in a hurry to get anything done, I am feeling no pressure, just a wandering flow of working resting creating. We take breaks to watch tv when we want to (I'm obsessed with ghost stories, but we compromise on criminal minds. Right now he has been watching what he calls 'stupid movies'- old B summer comedies with no real plot, just lots of humor and bikinis).  I live on cherries and margarita-flavored drink mix (kool-aid for grown ups, minus the booze.  I have a think for 'sour/sweet/salty' this year), he consumes purple power aide and mountain dew by the gallon.

I haven't been writing much- drifty about it- but I have been painting, and sewing.  Much slower than usual, but that is ok.  I paint while we watch things, having given up on working outside for right now- even in the studio the paint drys quickly when squeezed out of the tube.  I've been embroidering things on felt, just little quick things, not sure at all what to do with them or what they might be good for- they are more just embroidered cartoons than designed to serve a purpose.  Someday they will turn into something. Or not. It doesn't matter- what does matter is at the moment I love to just sit and sew, watch tv and listen to the fan click.  How summer is supposed to be. 

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