Friday, January 25, 2013


Cupcake fit for a Supastar!

Mr. Owens is my cupcake.  My glittery gold superstar cupcake, and this morning I have been cupcakin' instead of working (sinful me! but in my defense, I have only been up for not quite an hour...).  I call him cupcake because of my obsession at one time last year with Toddlers and Tiaras, and the 'cupcake hands/ pretty feet' that they are told to do when going on the runway.  When Mr. Owens began acting, I would tease him about practicing 'cupcake hands/ pretty feet' for when he gets his eventual Oscar, Golden Globe, Sundance etc. awards.  (Which *will* happen someday- at least in our world!)  

The roles came in steady all through the fall, then shortly before Christmas trickled off, everything shutting down for the Holidays, ratings to come in etc.  During this time he has gone back to being a Knight in Shining Armor, rescuing people beside the road with AAA.  Irregular hours, on call all the time, out in the cold (currently)- it's bacon-money but I worry.  He works very hard- but it makes him sore and I worry about him being out on the road, especially at night or in bad weather.  Even though the truck has the big yellow flashing lights, people tend to ignore the obvious*....and I don't want him squashed.

*side story on ignoring the obvious:  This semester I have 3 HUGE classes f2f, and 2 HUGE classes online... in my last class of the day I also have a mini-class of 3 honors art students.  I have happily handed prom off to them, and they began painting one of the backdrops yesterday.  Since the class is so large and chaotic, they moved the canvas out to the hall way, put newspaper under it, painted it and pushed it up against the wall to dry.  At the end of class, I warned my 30 beloved students that it was wet and to avoid it.  They all managed to- even though they are wild about getting home.  Then, after school, I had two seniors stop by to say goodbye- they graduate tonight.  I was all set to go home and walked out the discover that one of the seniors (the guy, who is ginormous) HAD WALKED ON THE CANVAS.  Now, this is NOT a small thing, and the primer SMELLS, and ......but no.  Walked right down it, leaving tracks of huge boots.  Which can be fixed, no problems....but he DIDN'T NOTICE and these huge white paint tracks continued down the hall, gradually getting fainter until they reached the water fountain where they faded away.  So guess who was on her hands-and-knees scrubbing the hall after school yesterday while the wrestling team (who run laps inside, up and down the stairs) gleefully ran by, taunting me with 'Hello Owens!  Second job, Owens?  etc...... and that is why I worry about people squashing Mr. Owens even though the truck has big orange lights.

Anyway, back to cupcaking.  He is booked for a film for several days and one full weekend in February  just submitted for another episode of Revolution that is being filmed right here in Burgaw, and Stephen King's Under the Dome is starting to film in Burgaw at the end of Feburary- fair sure he will have a spot in that as well.    His Lizard Lick episode airs: Lizard Lick Towing, Episode 306: Family Feud/Party Down/BBQ Sauce airs Monday, February 25th at 10 PM on TruTV.  Safe Haven premiers on Valentines day, and other things will be coming out soon.  He is also up for a few print shoots- one is a photo essay on beards and the other an illustrated story- hopefully we will hear back soon on those.  In the meantime, keep fingers crossed, the fan club active, and I *must* find some of those gold edible glitter stars!

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