Friday, April 27, 2012

Mr. Owens Gets Creative!

The last few days the manz has been busy working down the road at Paul's- building the storage barn (not a storage shed- that is what I thought at first- no, storage for flat-bed wreckers and tow trucks), road calls and all of it.  Work, work, work- which is a good thing, but the combination of ladders and tool-belts has made him sore. Last night he had trouble sleeping- ended up in the chair- (of course, while sympathetic, I am of no help of all because I am queen champion of sleepers)- just now (at 6) woke up and stumbled off to bed.  In his attempts at falling asleep he had a creative streak- and I woke up to not only a love note on the coffee pot, but also a collage on the computer from my resident cookie monster.  He used the packaging, and the modpodge and wala! Art.

It's things like this that make me fall all head-over-heels again- the bits of silly, of inspiration, the little notes and just the playfulness that we have together.  They make me smile, feel good inside, set us up for a fantastic day.

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