Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mystery Plant

This plant is driving me nuts- I don't know what it is and I can't seem to find it on the internet or in books.  It is fast growing, spreads rapidly, not sure how large it gets but it is already up to low-shrub size.  Beautiful purple flowers that bloom rarely (one cluster is all- out of many many plants) they only last a few days.  There are green 'spikes' by the leaves, and red spines on the stem- they are prickly.  I don't know if it is poison or not, keeper or not, anything...except it is everywhere.

In the yarden we have a lot of plants that are everywhere- it is botanical deathmatch between the vines- wisteria, Virginia creeper, English Ivy, Jessamine, something else I can't identify, honeysuckle, raspberries and wild roses.  So far the wisteria is the hands-down winner, with jessamine a strong challenger.  English Ivy rules the back where it is shady- and around the mailbox.  Of course, yesterday I added morninglory and moonflower to the contenders- hopefully they will catch on quick.  I love vines- and thus the appropriate name of our home: Tanglewood.

Any hints on this plant-please let me know!  I am not writing much today because I spent all morning trying to figure it out again.... could spend all day, but no such luck- must go on to school.

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