Tuesday, May 22, 2012


WOOHOO!  We are Texas bound in June!  I'm so excited- we missed the trip last year, and I always put off confirming things until I am *certain* they are going to happen.  Last night Tommy Podlucky (yes, I still call him that!) called Charles to talk the plan out- Tom is wise in knowing that phones and some plans are best left to the 'men folks'.  They talked and figured things out and we pulled out the calendar and set the dates.  My last day of school is the 13th., Father's day is the 17th, so leaving for Texas on the 18th- spending the night in Vicksburg probably- on to Mother's for the 19th.  We will be with Mother for the 20th, 21st- drive down to Sue's the evening of the 22 (I think that's the plan- or the next Saturday morning- depends), spend a night or so at Deer Ridge, then to Shreveport with Tom and Sue on the 24th, start the drive home on the 25th.  (Which may or may not be straight through- it depends on what we want to do!).  So that gives us 3 nights at Mother's, 2 nights at Sue's, and 2 on the road.  Not bad- hopefully not to much of 'us' for anyone (including ourselves!) and everything will work out for the best.  We are flexible though- so let us know if that doesn't suit!  (Here I go, assuming that everyone reads the blog- but that's ok- it's how I let you know what is up with us for really real).

I am incredibly excited- did I mention that a billion times already?  I haven't seen Mother for over a year, and I can't wait to talk to her, just hang out and drink coffee, get some advice and listen to stories- show her some of the things I have been making, let Charles pamper her a bit and charm all the ladies with his voice and amazing beard.  I can't wait to go out to Deer Ridge and see Sue and Tom, the lovely Miss Daisy, wander around their woods (I love the sticks.  I know we have sticks here, but I *really* like the sticks in Texas.  I'm so odd)...and maybe even a quick trip to the flat place where they find fossils.  (I'll bring my magic pink boots just in case we get to go- I know about snakes and Texas).  And the road trip- traveling with the manz- he sings with the radio, insists on driving (though I will take over when I can- I *love* to drive and I never get to drive on trips anymore...he or Melissa does all the driving...I want a turn! Not complaining you guys, just share the fun-).   We may stop at some curious places, or not, or whatever happens happens.  I know there is a Wattaburger in my future for sure...and hopefully a new rose bush from Tyler- other curiosities along the way.  Lots of photos.  Going to Shreveport where the manz will play games- in cowboy hat and boots- and hopefully win a fortune or two (the fun is guaranteed). I'll play the penny slots for awhile, then sit back and draw unless they make me stop (some casinos care, some don't).  Have a margarita or two. People watch, which is one of my favorite things.  Hang out with Sister Sue, soak in a hotel tub- or hot tub if they have one- with a new book- oh, the joys that await!

I love packing- I always over do it, I get dissatisfied with what I have and get sudden strange cravings for clothes I would normally never wear (one trip, long ago, it was capri's.  Some people look great in them- not me....but I insisted.  Another trip it was getting my hair done, which I did, and that was nice- expensive, but nice.  This year I have summer dresses, new rainbows... I should like a pair of fake-plain-Tom's to decorate, but can do without...but I have a serious hankering for a new camera.  We will see).  I always take art stuff with illusions of making things- I get so excited about the possibilities that I forget that I only have time for my sketchbook and camera on the road.  Still and all- you never know when you might need some paint, or duct tape, or *all* the colored pencils- and the sharpener- and erasers- see how it goes?  And I want to take something for everyone, but I am never quite sure what.  Books galore for Mother, of course, and art (somehow she never gets tired of my art), something for Sue and Tom- not sure what- inspiration?  And the kids- maybe we will get to see the twins and Troy if that works out- lots to do, time is short, make the most of it.

Here at home, I will be out of school- will still have to do my online classes on the road, but regular school is overish- Paul agreed to give Charles the time off, Grendel will come out to take care of the house and doggs/Turrello... he will have to drive the Saturn to work, but it will be fixed by then and all will be well and in good hands.   Ducks in a row, ducks in a row- get everything set, I'm ready to GO!

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